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Pick your Poisin

We're about to take the product plunge.

deep inhale. long exhale.

A few things to note:

1. Secondhand I don't believe in everything needing to be new. If anything, I think the more we share the less impact we have on the waste and over consumption of our planet. So please, ask around, check out second hand stores and your local community sales. 

2. Reusability Where ever possible I have purchased and recommended products that have reusability and are not necessarily kid specific. Sometimes this is unavoidable, but in certain places the market has effectively branded sub-optimal product to get us to consume more. Why not buy an immersion blender you can use for the next 10 years instead of a baby blender that you can only use for 3 months. You feel me? 

Ok here we go.

Aerial View of Baking Ingredients
The Perfect Vegan Sandwich
Bath Brush and Soap

Life Savers

The Game Changers

Milk Maids

Bottles & Breasts 

Feed Me

Me want food


Everything about the tub

Snuggly Teddy
Children's Play Space


Bottles & Breasts 


Me want food

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